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Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Reindeer-herding cooperative
Id 07146  +
Kieli englanti  +
Kirjoittaja Anna Idström +
Otsikko Reindeer-herding cooperative +
Has queryTämä on erikoisominaisuus. Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative + , Reindeer-herding cooperative +
Luokat Means of livelyhood and transport  + , Articles in English  +
MuokkausaikaTämä on erikoisominaisuus. 16 marraskuu 2021 14:38:03  +
Has default formTämä on erikoisominaisuus. Artikkeli  +
TekstiTämä on erikoisominaisuus. <P align= justify > Reindeer-herding<P align= justify > Reindeer-herding cooperative, <I>bálggus</I>, is the smallest local unit in the administration of reindeer husbandry in Finland, altogether 57 cooperatives. It is headed by a chief of district (boazoisit), who is chosen for a fixed term by the council of reindeer owners. His job is to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Law on Reindeer Husbandry in his area. He is assisted in this by a vice chief of districty, a secretary and a treasurer as well as by overseers and nowadays a special governing board. The reindeer-grazing association also has sworn assessors whose task it is to inspect and assess damage to other occupations caused by reindeer. Most of the claims concern damage to hay crops. It is the task of the reindeer-grazing association to organize the round-up and separation of the reindeer, to build and maintain reindeer fences, to hire temporary officials(mainly nightwatchmen and tellers during the separation of the reindeer), to send representatives to neighbouring reindeer-grazing associations in search of stray animals and to assess and provide compensation for damage done to hay crops.</P>on for damage done to hay crops.</P>  +
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