
Saamelaiskulttuurin ensyklopedia
Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Teksti is a predefined property (also known as special property). It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.

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Aabbas +Aabbas on koltankielinen aapinen. Katso englanninkielistä sivua [[Koltansaame|Skolt Saami language]]. <BR><BR>[[Sisällysluettelo: Kielet ja nimistö|Sisällysluettelo: Kielet ja nimistö]]<BR><BR>  +
Aarborte +<P align="justify"> Aarborte, Hattfjelldal Hattfjelldal on kunta Nordlandin läänissä Norjassa. * [ Wikipedia-linkki] * [ kunnan kotisivut]</P>  +
Abessive +<P align="justify"> Look the page [[North Saami language|North Saami language]].</P> <BR><BR>[[Table of contents: Languages and naming|Table of contents: Languages and naming]]<BR><BR>  +
Abisko National Park +<p><em>Abisko National Park</em> ([[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Abisko</span>]]), which is located on the western side of Lake Torneträsk, was established in 1910 and is Sweden s oldest national park. It is rich in [[Flora|flora]] and [[Fauna|fauna]] and land of geological interest around Lake <em>Ábeskojávri</em> and the courses of the <em>Ábeskojohka</em> and the <em>Gårsajohka</em> (<em>gårsa</em> ravine ) Rivers. The highest mountains are <em>Slohtta</em> and [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;"><em>Njullá</em></span>]] (with a cable car). The well-known shape of the Lapporten Gate to Lapland , i.e. the valley between the mountains <em>Čuonáčohkka</em> (<em>Čuoná</em>, the local pronunciation of the North Saami <em>čuonjá</em> mountain goose ) and <em>Nissunčorru </em>(<em>nissun</em> woman , <em>čorru</em> range of mountains ) is called [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;"><em>Čuonávággi</em></span>]] (<em>vággi</em> mountain valley ) in Saami. The national park lies in the Saami Village of [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Rautasvuoma</span>]] (<em>Rávttasvuopmi</em>). * [ www pages of local authority]</p>  +
Abisko nationalpark (Sverige) +<P> Abisko nationalpark ( [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Abisko</span>]] ), som ligger vid västra delen av Torneträsk, inrättades 1910 och är Sveriges äldsta nationalpark. Den omfattar ett växt- och djurrikt och geologiskt intressant landområde kring sjön [[Abiskojaure (svenska)|<i>Ábeskojávri</i>]] och vattendragen <i>Ábeskojohka</i> och <i>Gårsajohka</i> (<i>gårsa</i> 'ravin'). De högsta fjällen är <i>Slohtta</i> och [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Njullá</i></span>]] (med linbana). Den berömda fjällformationen Lapporten, dvs. dalen mellan fjällen <i>Čuonáčohkka</i> (<i>čuoná</i>, lokalt uttal av nordsamiska <i>čuonjá</i> '(fjäll)gås') och <i>Nissunčorru</i> (<i>nissun</i> 'kvinna', <i>čorru</i> 'höjdsträckning) heter på samiska [[Čuonávággi|<i>Čuonávággi</i>]] (<i>vággi</i> 'fjälldal'). Nationalparken ligger inom samebyn [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Rautasvuoma</span>]] (<i>Rávttasvuopmi</i>). # [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Njullá</span>]] # [[Sivua ei vielä ole|<span style="color:red !important;">Rautasvuoma</span>]] </P> * [ www pages of local authority]  +
Abiskojaure +Abiskojaure, Ábeskojávri. Abiskojaure on järvi Kiirunan kunnassa Ruotsissa. Pohjoissaameksi sen nimi on Ábeskojávri. Norjaksi: [ Wikipedia-artikkeli]<BR><BR> [[Sisällysluettelo: Alueet & paikat|Sisällysluettelo: Alueet & paikat]]<BR><BR>  +
Abiskojaure (English) +Abiskojaure is a lake in Swedish Lappland.  +
Abiskojaure (svenska) +Abiskojaure är en sjö i Kiruna kommun i Lappland. [ Wikipedia-artikkeli]  +
Abiskojåkka +Abiskojåkka, nordsamiska Ábeskoeatnu, är en fjällälv i Abisko nationalpark i norra Lappland som avvattnar ett 544 km² stort högfjällsområde. * [ Wikipedia-link]  +
Abraure +<P align="justify"> Abraur eller Abraure, kartornas namnform för samiska [[Ábrávrre|<i>Ábrávrre</i>]]. </P> *[[Ábrávrrie (svenska)|Ábrávrrie]] * [[Arvidsjaur|Arvidsjaur]] * [[Arjeplog|Arjeplog]] * [ : Abraure-sjö]<BR><BR>  +
Abraure (suomeksi) +Abraur tai Abraure, karttojen nimimuoto saamenkieliselle [[Ábrávrre suomeksi|Ábrávrre]]-nimelle. <BR> [[Ábrávrrie|Ábrávrrie]] <BR> <BR>  +
Acculturation +Look the Finnish tab.<BR><BR>  +
Act on Saami Parliament +<P align="justify"> [[Saami Parliament|Saami Parliament]]</P>  +
Act on the Saami Parliament +Look the Finnish tab. <BR><BR>  +
Act on the Saami Parliament: Norway +Look the Finnish tab. <BR><BR>  +
Act on the Saami Parliament: Sweden +Look the Finnish tab. <BR><BR>  +
Acta Lapponica +<P align="justify"><b>Acta Lapponica</b> är Nordiska muséets vetenskapliga serie om samisk kultur utgiven sedan 1938. Ämnen som behandlas är bl.a. fjäll- och skogssamisk kultur, samisk religion, [[Arkeologi|arkeologi]] och tideräkning. Känd är utgåvan av Johannes Schefferus bok om samerna samt Ernst Mankers monumentalt verk om samiska [[Trumman|trummor]]. Manker var länge seriens redaktör och främsta författare.</p>  +
Acta Lapponica -julkaisusarja +Katso ruotsinkielistä välilehteä.<BR><BR> [[Sisällysluettelo: Tutkimus ja tutkimushistoria sekä tutkimuslaitokset ja museot|Sisällysluettelo: Tutkimus ja tutkimushistoria sekä tutkimuslaitokset ja museot]]<BR><BR>  +
Advisory educational council +Sámi oahpahusráđđi / Samisk utdanningsråd. Look the Finnish tab.  +
Afruvvá +<P align="justify"> <i>Afruvvá</i> (< norjan <i>havs fru</i>, 'meren rouva') on lähinnä Ruijan rannikon merisaamelaisten parissa tunnettu olento, joka edustaa saamelaisten parissa nuorta, skandinaavien kanssa yhteistä kertomusperinnettä. <i>Afruvvá</i> on tyypillinen merenneito, kaunis, pitkätukkainen ja kalanpyrstöinen nainen, joka näyttäytyy merellä. Alun perin <i>afruvvá</i> lienee esiintynyt merenkävijöitä suojeleva haltijana, joka näille näyttäytymällä kehottaa heitä palaamaan ajoissa rantaa. Toisinaan hänen kylläkin mainitaan myös kaatavan veneitä ja tuottavan muuta häiriötä, mutta tämä merenkävijöitä ahdisteleva <i>afruvvá</i> lienee saanut toisen skandinaavisperäisen vedenhaltijan, vainajaolentoihin luokiteltavan [[Rávga|<i>rávgá</i>n]] piirteitä. Vrt. [[Haltijat|haltijat]]. </P><BR> [[Sisällysluettelo: Etymologia|Sisällysluettelo: Etymologia]] <BR> <BR> [[Sisällysluettelo: Muinaisusko, mytologia ja folklore| Sisällysluettelo: Muinaisusko, mytologia ja folklore]]<BR><BR>  +
Agriculture +Agriculture has been practised for a long time in Saamiland. The main booms in the building of farms took place in the 1950s and 1970s. The practice of self-sufficient husbandry expanded in Saamiland in the nineteenth century along with settlers and the influence of enlightened speakers and writers on the subject. The administrators and the government also encouraged people to take up agriculture because it made it easier to assess and tax the population. The general barrenness of the land, the long distances, the short growing season, the nutrient content of the soil, summer frosts and the deep snows of winter have always meant that agriculture is harder and less attractive as a means of livelihood than it is in the more fertile regions of the south. In Norway there are about 700 farmers engaged in agriculture from Tysfjord to the Varanger Fjord. In fact, agriculture used to be more widespread than it is today, but many farmers have given up because it is uneconomic. The produce consists mainly of cow and goat milk, beef and mutton. In Norway, the income from the sale of produce together with state subsidies amounts to approximately 250 million kronor. There exists no special legislation regarding Saami agriculture. The old legal practice of the Saami courts is no longer valid in such matters as inheritance; for example, according to Norwegian law it is the eldest child who inherits, while according to the traditional Saami custom it is the youngest. As elsewhere, after the Second World War self-sufficient tilling of the land and cattle raising turned to intensive farming in the northernmost areas of Finland, too. The pressure resulting from the increased Finnish settlement of Lapland forced the authorities to initiate special plans regarding sources of livelihood and they primarily focussed on agriculture and its growth potential with regard to the state economy. As Lapland Cattle disappeared in the period between 1944 and 1948, the agricultural associations of northern Finland, which operated under the state Settlement Committee, procured through the North Finnish Cattle Breeding Association and the East Finnish Cattle Breeding Association some pedigree bulls for stud purposes for the areas they represented. The state supported these acquisitions by subsidizing transport costs and purchasing pedigree bulls for different places in Lapland. For example, four stud bulls were purchased with government funds for the Utsjoki region, and a covering fee was charged for their use. In the 1950s, stronger demands began to be made for the efficiency of agriculture in Finnish Lapland be improved in the name of the common good. It was thought that the growth in the population of the province made agriculture the only viable occupation for the Saami people, too. In the 1960s,a macadamized road was built as far north as Utsjoki, and soon after this Valio, the major dairy produce company in Finland, incorporated the pedigree cattle of Utsjoki into its dairy network. The pedigree cattle that had been brought from the south demanded more tending and were bigger in size than the old Lapland Cattle. Without the purchase of fodder and various agricultural machinery, it was not possible to maintain a new herd and practise agriculture as a viable livelihood in Lapland. By the following decade, most of the inhabitants of Finnish Lapland had given up agriculture and cattle-raising as uneconomic.  +
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