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Saamelaiskulttuurin ensyklopedia
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Rivi 3: Rivi 3:
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify"> The willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) is an important hunting quarry for the Saami. It is known all over the western Saami area by the name <i>rievssat</i> (South Saami <i>riëksege</i> or <i>riëseh</i>, etc.). Also related are the Inari Saami <i>riävská</i> and the recorded form <i>riusag</i> of the now extinct Kuolajärvi dialect, but elsewhere in eastern Saami languages the bird is given a different name (e.g. Skolt <i>repp</i>, etc.), which closely resembles the Norwegian <i>rype</i> and the Swedish <i>ripa</i>, which are used to refer to the same bird.</p><P align="justify"> Particularly in older writings, the Saami word <i>rievssat</i> was compared to the Finnish word for the same bird: <i>riekko</i>. The Finnish word is thought to be of onomatopoeic origin, based on the call of the bird (cf. Finnish <i>riek(k)ua</i> to rage, scream ), and one can make a similar conjecture about the Saami word. It is not impossible that the element <i>riek-</i>, which is common to both the Saami and the Finnish words, is descended from a shared origin, or that there has been borrowing in either direction. But it is also quite feasible that the words were created in both languages independently through onomatopoeia. According to the most regular sound changes, the stem of the Saami word <i>rievssat</i> would be reconstructed in Early Proto-Finnic as <i>*räksi-</i>, and from this stem one could also derive the Estonian <i>(rukki)rääks</i> corncrake .<BR><BR> {{Artikkelilinkki|0831|Guovssat}}.<BR><BR> {{Kuvalinkki|}}</P>
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify"> The willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) is an important hunting quarry for the Saami. It is known all over the western Saami area by the name <i>rievssat</i> (South Saami <i>riëksege</i> or <i>riëseh</i>, etc.). Also related are the Inari Saami <i>riävská</i> and the recorded form <i>riusag</i> of the now extinct Kuolajärvi dialect, but elsewhere in eastern Saami languages the bird is given a different name (e.g. Skolt <i>repp</i>, etc.), which closely resembles the Norwegian <i>rype</i> and the Swedish <i>ripa</i>, which are used to refer to the same bird.</p><P align="justify"> Particularly in older writings, the Saami word <i>rievssat</i> was compared to the Finnish word for the same bird: <i>riekko</i>. The Finnish word is thought to be of onomatopoeic origin, based on the call of the bird (cf. Finnish <i>riek(k)ua</i> to rage, scream ), and one can make a similar conjecture about the Saami word. It is not impossible that the element <i>riek-</i>, which is common to both the Saami and the Finnish words, is descended from a shared origin, or that there has been borrowing in either direction. But it is also quite feasible that the words were created in both languages independently through onomatopoeia. According to the most regular sound changes, the stem of the Saami word <i>rievssat</i> would be reconstructed in Early Proto-Finnic as <i>*räksi-</i>, and from this stem one could also derive the Estonian <i>(rukki)rääks</i> corncrake .<BR><BR> {{Artikkelilinkki|304|Guovssat}}.<BR><BR> {{Kuvalinkki|Riek.saalis.jpg}} </p>  
|kirjoittaja=- Eino Koponen KOTUS
|luokat=Nature, etymology
|kirjoittaja=- Eino Koponen KOTUS}}

Versio 26. syyskuuta 2014 kello 08.28

Rievssat (riekko)

Saamelaisten tärkeä saalislintu Lagopus lagopus tunnetaan kaikkialla länsisaamessa nimellä rievssat (eteläsaamen riëksege tai riëkseh jne.). Tämän yhteyteen kuuluu myös inarinsaamen riävská (sekä sammuneesta Kuolajärven murteesta muistiin pantu riusag), mutta muualla itäsaamessa linnun nimityksenä on toinen sana (koltan repp jne.), jota muistuttaa läheisesti norjan rype 'riekko' ja ruotsin ripa 'riekko'.

Saamen rievssat-sanaa on varsinkin varhemmassa kirjallisuudessa verrattu samaa merkitsevään suomen sanaan riekko. Suomen sanaa on pidetty onomatopoeettisena, linnun ääntelyyn perustuvana sanana (vrt. riek(k)ua 'riehua, parkua'), ja samaa voi arvella saamen sanastakin. Ei ole mahdotonta, että saamen ja suomen sanojen yhteinen osa riek- olisi ikivanhaa yhteistä ainesta tai lainaa jompaankumpaan suuntaan, vaikka sama äänteellinen motivaatio on voinut synnyttää sanat kummallakin taholla erikseenkin. - Säännöllisimmän äännekehityksen kautta saamen rievssat-sanan kantavartalo voisi palautua suomalais-saamelaisen kantakielen asuun *räksi- ja samasta kantavartalosta voitaisiin johtaa myös viron (rukki)rääks 'ruisrääkkä'. Katso myös guovssat.

Sisällysluettelo: Etymologia

Sisällysluettelo: Luonto


- Eino Koponen KOTUS

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The willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) is an important hunting quarry for the Saami. It is known all over the western Saami area by the name rievssat (South Saami riëksege or riëseh, etc.). Also related are the Inari Saami riävská and the recorded form riusag of the now extinct Kuolajärvi dialect, but elsewhere in eastern Saami languages the bird is given a different name (e.g. Skolt repp, etc.), which closely resembles the Norwegian rype and the Swedish ripa, which are used to refer to the same bird.

Particularly in older writings, the Saami word rievssat was compared to the Finnish word for the same bird: riekko. The Finnish word is thought to be of onomatopoeic origin, based on the call of the bird (cf. Finnish riek(k)ua to rage, scream ), and one can make a similar conjecture about the Saami word. It is not impossible that the element riek-, which is common to both the Saami and the Finnish words, is descended from a shared origin, or that there has been borrowing in either direction. But it is also quite feasible that the words were created in both languages independently through onomatopoeia. According to the most regular sound changes, the stem of the Saami word rievssat would be reconstructed in Early Proto-Finnic as *räksi-, and from this stem one could also derive the Estonian (rukki)rääks corncrake .


Catch of willow grouse

- Eino Koponen KOTUS

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