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Saamelaiskulttuurin ensyklopedia
Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Rivi 4: Rivi 4:
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify"> Rearing a child involves both discipline and guidance, as well as care, empathy and the transmission of culture from one generation to another.</P>  
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify"> Rearing a child involves both discipline and guidance, as well as care, empathy and the transmission of culture from one generation to another.</P>  
<P align="justify"> There are many social factors that affect a child s upbringing, such as the family s income, the social structures on which the upbringing is based, and the natural environment and the climate in which it takes place. The fundamental idea of child-rearing among the Saami is that the child should be surrounded by a large number of what the social psychologist G. H. Mead calls significant others . Family relations and so-called extended relations, like those with a school sister or school brother , godparents and neighbours all enrich and multiply the network of influences on the child. The pedagogical principle of Saami nurture is that the child learns by experience (<i>gal dat oahppá go stuorrola</i> [One learns as one grows]). The saying expresses patience with the person who is learning and practising, a psychological understanding and love of the child, and the realization that not all people are the same or equally quick to learn. Children are given the opportunity to try things out and learn them gradually in other words, they are given room for experimentation. Adults show their trust in them and only set the kind of expectations that will reinforce the child s self-confidence and sense of success. The learner is given a chance to learn through observation, and a child who has mastered a skill becomes a model for others.</P>
<P align="justify"> There are many social factors that affect a child s upbringing, such as the family s income, the social structures on which the upbringing is based, and the natural environment and the climate in which it takes place. The fundamental idea of child-rearing among the Saami is that the child should be surrounded by a large number of what the social psychologist G. H. Mead calls significant others . Family relations and so-called extended relations, like those with a school sister or school brother , godparents and neighbours all enrich and multiply the network of influences on the child. The pedagogical principle of Saami nurture is that the child learns by experience (<i>gal dat oahppá go stuorrola</i> (One learns as one grows)). The saying expresses patience with the person who is learning and practising, a psychological understanding and love of the child, and the realization that not all people are the same or equally quick to learn. Children are given the opportunity to try things out and learn them gradually in other words, they are given room for experimentation. Adults show their trust in them and only set the kind of expectations that will reinforce the child s self-confidence and sense of success. The learner is given a chance to learn through observation, and a child who has mastered a skill becomes a model for others.</P>
<P align="justify"> Child-rearing is characterized by a lack of constraints and a variety of indirect methods of discipline. Hoaxes are one method that is used; the purpose is to promote social skills, a sense of humour, control of one s emotions and playfulness. Various forms of playful deception are expressed through language; for example, an adult might use the dual form of the first person pronoun (meaning we two ) to express the fact that (s)he shares the shame of a child who has done wrong. Such cushioning avoids unnecessary conflicts with small children and direct defiance from older ones. The indirect methods of upbringing lessen the direct shaming of children and thus allow them to maintain their face. The principle aim of this nurture is the fostering of self-reliance and secondly the creation of human values and respect for others, be they children or adults, men or women, rich or poor.</P>
<P align="justify"> Child-rearing is characterized by a lack of constraints and a variety of indirect methods of discipline. Hoaxes are one method that is used; the purpose is to promote social skills, a sense of humour, control of one s emotions and playfulness. Various forms of playful deception are expressed through language; for example, an adult might use the dual form of the first person pronoun (meaning we two ) to express the fact that (s)he shares the shame of a child who has done wrong. Such cushioning avoids unnecessary conflicts with small children and direct defiance from older ones. The indirect methods of upbringing lessen the direct shaming of children and thus allow them to maintain their face. The principle aim of this nurture is the fostering of self-reliance and secondly the creation of human values and respect for others, be they children or adults, men or women, rich or poor.</P>
<P align="justify"> For the Saami, as for other indigenous peoples, the narrative tradition plays a central role in handing down values to the next generation. The stories reflect an understanding of nature and man s symbiotic relationship with it.</P>
<P align="justify"> For the Saami, as for other indigenous peoples, the narrative tradition plays a central role in handing down values to the next generation. The stories reflect an understanding of nature and man s symbiotic relationship with it.</P><BR><BR>
|kirjoittaja=Asta Balto
|kirjoittaja=Asta Balto
|luokat=Folk habits and customs, national character
|luokat=Folk habits and customs, national character

Versio 8. joulukuuta 2014 kello 12.56


Kasvatus on kurinpitoa ja ohjausta, mutta toisaalta myös huolenpitoa ja myötäelämistä ja kulttuurin siirtämistä sukupolvelta toiselle.

Kasvatukseen vaikuttavat monet yhteiskunnalliset asiat, kuten toimeentulo ja sosiaaliset järjestelmät, joihin kasvatus perustuu, mutta myös luonto ja sääolot. Perusajatuksena on, että lapsella on ympärillään paljon tärkeitä ihmisiä. Tällaisia ihmisiä sosiaalipsykologi G.H. Mead kutsuu "merkityksellisiksi toisiksi". Sukulaisuus ja ns. laajennettu sukulaisuus, kuten koulusisko ja kouluveli, kummit ja naapurit, kaikki rikastuttavat ja monipuolistavat lapseen vaikuttavaa verkostoa.

Pedagogisena ajatuksena on, että gal dat oahppá go stuorrola, kyllä sitä oppii kasvaessaan. Sanonnassa tulee esille kärsivällisyys sitä kohtaan, joka opettelee ja harjoittelee, psykologinen ymmärrys lasta kohtaan sekä rakkaus ja se, että kaikki eivät ole samanlaisia, yhtä nopeita tai hitaita. Lapsilla on mahdollisuus kokeilla ja opetella pikku hiljaa asioita, ts. lapselle annetaan tilaa kokeilemiseen. Aikuiset osoittavat luottamusta ja luovat vain sellaisia odotuksia, jotka vahvistavat lapsen itsetuntoa ja onnistumisen tunnetta. Oppijalle annetaan mahdollisuus tarkkailemisen avulla oppia niin, että hänestä, joka osaa ja jolla on taitoa, tulee esikuva.

Kasvatukselle on tunnusomaista pakottamattomuus ja ns. epäsuorat kurinpitotavat, joita on useita erilaisia. Narraamista käytetään eräänä kasvatuskeinona ja narraamisen tavoitteena on edistää sosiaalisia taitoja, huumoria, tunteiden hallintaa ja leikkimistä. Muunlaisia narraamisen muotoja ilmenee kielen kautta. Aikuinen voi käyttää esimerkiksi duaalia, "moai"-sanaa ('me kaksi'), halutessaan jakaa lapsen kanssa sitä häpeää, joka syntyy lapsen tehtyä väärin. Pehmentävät tavat estävät tarpeettoman yhteenoton pienten lasten kanssa ja puolestaan isompien lasten kanssa suoranaisen vastustamisen. Kertomaperinne on saamelaisilla, kuten muillakin alkuperäiskansoilla, keskeisessä asemassa siirrettäessä arvoja uusille sukupolville. Epäsuorat kasvatuskeinot puolestaan vähentävät lapsen suoranaista häpäisemistä ja sillä tavalla auttavat lasta säilyttämään kasvonsa.

Kasvatusideologian keskeisiä tavoitteita ovat ensin omatoimisuus ja toiseksi ihmisarvo ja toisen kunnioittaminen, olkoonpa kyseessä lapsi tai aikuinen, mies tai nainen tai jopa rikas tai köyhä. Kertomukset heijastavat luonnon ymmärtämistä sekä luonnon ja ihmisen yhteenkuuluvuutta.

Sisällysluettelo: Tapakulttuuri ja kansanluonne

Asta Balto

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Rearing of children

Rearing a child involves both discipline and guidance, as well as care, empathy and the transmission of culture from one generation to another.

There are many social factors that affect a child s upbringing, such as the family's income, the social structures on which the upbringing is based, and the natural environment and the climate in which it takes place. The fundamental idea of child-rearing among the Saami is that the child should be surrounded by a large number of what the social psychologist G. H. Mead calls significant others . Family relations and so-called extended relations, like those with a school sister or school brother , godparents and neighbours all enrich and multiply the network of influences on the child. The pedagogical principle of Saami nurture is that the child learns by experience (gal dat oahppá go stuorrola (One learns as one grows)). The saying expresses patience with the person who is learning and practicing, a psychological understanding and love of the child, and the realization that not all people are the same or equally quick to learn. Children are given the opportunity to try things out and learn them gradually in other words, they are given room for experimentation. Adults show their trust in them and only set the kind of expectations that will reinforce the child s self-confidence and sense of success. The learner is given a chance to learn through observation, and a child who has mastered a skill becomes a model for others.

Child-rearing is characterized by a lack of constraints and a variety of indirect methods of discipline. Hoaxes are one method that is used; the purpose is to promote social skills, a sense of humour, control of one s emotions and playfulness. Various forms of playful deception are expressed through language; for example, an adult might use the dual form of the first person pronoun (meaning we two ) to express the fact that (s)he shares the shame of a child who has done wrong. Such cushioning avoids unnecessary conflicts with small children and direct defiance from older ones. The indirect methods of upbringing lessen the direct shaming of children and thus allow them to maintain their face. The principle aim of this nurture is the fostering of self-reliance and secondly the creation of human values and respect for others, be they children or adults, men or women, rich or poor.

For the Saami, as for other indigenous peoples, the narrative tradition plays a central role in handing down values to the next generation. The stories reflect an understanding of nature and man s symbiotic relationship with it.

Asta Balto

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