]> 2024-06-13T06:43:07+00:00 Epineolithic 0 1409 englanti 2014-12-30T10:13:16Z 2457021.9258796 Epineolithic <P align="justify"> Epineolithic: a period located after the Stone Age but still Stone Age in nature. With regard to northern Sweden, the term refers to a period that corresponds to what is generally represented in this encyclopaedia by the [[Bronze Age|Bronze Age.]] In Finland, the term ‘epineolithic’ refers to the [[Younger Stone Age|Early Metal Age]] and its phenomena, although it is not a very suitable descriptive term for them. ‘Epineolithic’ is a rather ill-defined concept in much the same way as ‘aeneolithic’, with which it should not be confused. <BR>[[Chronology|Chronology]].</P><BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Archaeology| Table of contents: Archaeology]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102