]> 2024-06-13T07:32:30+00:00 Migration 0 0706 englanti 2021-11-16T14:23:18Z 2459535.0995139 Migration <P align="justify">In some places the reindeer Saami lived as nomads until the 1960s. The herds needed a wide area to range over, and this shaped people s lives as their livelihood depended on the reindeer. They followed with the reindeer from one abode to another through the seasonal cycle, and the route they took usually remained the same from one year to another. The travels generally extended from the winter pastures in the conifer forest and fell mountain birch zones to the summer pastures on the high fells and the coast of the Arctic Ocean.</p> <P align="justify"> In North Saami the verb <i>johtit</i> is used to refer to this pastoral migration. It is borrowed from the north Finnish dialect word jutaa, which means the same thing. It has related forms in all the extant Saami languages, although there is no information about Akkala Saami. There are cognates in the Mordvin languages: Erzya: jutams and Moksha: jotams to pass, wander past. It has also been suggested that there are related words in the Samoyedic languages, but they are less likely. The verb <i>johtit</i> has other meanings, including to travel, move, go; slide; pass (time); go (clock); to sell well; to fit; to do well in a race. It belongs to an extensive word family including both nouns and verbs.</p><BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Etymology|Table of contents: Etymology]] <BR> <BR> [[Table of contents: Means of livelyhood and transport|Table of contents: Means of livelihood and transport]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102