]> 2024-06-13T11:52:40+00:00 Beasts 0 0807 englanti 2021-11-22T10:54:52Z 2459540.9547685 Beasts <P align="justify"> Predators are animals that kill and feed off other animals. The word predators is usually taken to refer to predatory mammals (Carnivora), but it is also possible to speak of predatory birds ([[Hawks|hawks]], [[Eagles|eagles]], [[Owls|owls]]), predatory fish and predatory insects. However, small birds that feed off insects are not usually regarded as predators.</p> <P align="justify"> The predators (Carnivora) that are found in Lapland can usually be divided into canines ([[Wolf|wolf]], [[Arctic fox|arctic fox]], [[Red fox|red fox]]), [[Bear|bears]] (Ursidae), mustelids (Mustelidae) ([[Mustelidae|mustelids]], [[Wolverine|wolverine]]) and felines (Felidae) ([[Lynx|lynx]]).</p> <P align="justify"> Predators include omnivores, carrion-devourers and hunters. The forms of hunting vary. Wolves hunt in packs, pursuing their large prey from behind. The lynx stalks and pounces on its prey from close quarters. When they have caught their prey, felines use both their canine teeth and their claws, while canines and mustelids use only their fangs. There are annually cases of attacks on domestic animals by predators, mostly large predators such as bears, wolves, wolverines or lynxes. All the large predators are protected species outside the reindeer-husbandry regions, and it us usually necessary to have a permit from the authorities to hunt them.</p> Otsikko 102