]> 2024-06-13T09:24:36+00:00 The sledge 0 1149 englanti 2014-12-30T14:28:01Z 2457022.1027894 The sledge <P align="justify"> <i>Geres</i> also belongs to the group of artefacts that is connected to reindeer herding. The different types of sledges are <i>ráidogeres</i> (transporting sledges tied together in a row pulled by the reindeer), <i>lohkkegeres</i> (the sledge with lid for transporting food) and <i>vuodjingeres</i> (the sledge that transports people). The crosspieces were decorated or decoration was also carved directly on the sledges. Today, only the old people remember how to make sledges, or how the sledges were used. In order to revive this skill, courses are held in which these old people who still remember give advice to the new sledge makers.<BR><BR> [[Duodji: tools, materials etc.|<i>Duodji: tools, materials etc.</i>]]. </P><BR> [[Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.| Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102