]> 2024-06-13T06:46:40+00:00 Rock Pictures 0 1418 englanti 2021-11-08T12:33:35Z 2459527.0233218 Rock Pictures <P align="justify"> Patterns made on the surface of rocks by painting or various methods of engraving (i.e. rock paintings or rock drawings) are also collectively referred to as rock art. Two main traditions of rock pictures can be distinguished in [[Fennoscandia|Fennoscandia]]: (1) a southern Scandinavian cultivation tradition, in which the patterns are always drawings and date back to the [[Bronze Age|Bronze Age]]; and (2) a hunting tradition of northern and eastern [[Fennoscandia|Fennoscandia]], in which there are both drawn and painted figures which mainly seem to date from the [[Stone Age|Stone Age]].</P> <P align="justify"> The scope of this encyclopaedia covers the hunting tradition, which lasted from 9500 to 1500 B.C. It has been claimed that the tradition of making rock pictures continued down to the beginning of the [[Modern Age|Modern Age]] among the Saami of Norway and the Murmansk region, but these datings are extremely uncertain. In Swedish Lapland, some rock drawings depicting sailing ships from the Viking Age and the [[Middle Ages|Middle Ages]] have, however, come to light. There is little doubt about their dating, but a connection between them and the Stone Age tradition of rock art is unlikely.</P> <P align="justify"> The significance and content of rock pictures has been interpreted in different ways. Some have considered to reflect records of elements of folklore in the Modern Age. The pictures have been compared with the patterns on the Saami shaman's drum, and on the basis of this it has been claimed that the rock pictures were made by Saamis, but an equally direct link has been made with the Finnish-Karelian tradition. Other explanations have attributed them to hunting magic, [[Totemism|totemism]] and [[Shamanism|shamanism]]. With reference to the last mentioned phenomenon, it has been suggested that some of pictures might represent entopic visions seen in an altered state of consciousness. There has also been some discussion of the significance of the locations of wall pictures.</P><BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Archaeology| Table of contents: Archaeology]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102