]> 2024-06-13T08:47:14+00:00 Čuorvut movement 0 0906 englanti 2014-08-18T13:03:57Z 2456888.0444097 Čuorvut movement <P align="justify">A religious movement that in some of its ecstatic aspects resembled [[Laestadianiam|Laestadionism]], of which it was a forerunner. The Finnish name for the movement is <i>Huutajat</i> (the Shouters). The Saami name refers to a judgement sermon, in which the followers of the movement called on people to repent. It was active in the 1760s and 1770s particularly around Koutokeino. The focus of the movement was in the Finnmark region in Norwegian Lapland, although it probably came into being partly as a result of influences spread via markets and nomadism of an earlier revivalist movement in Swedish Lapland known as the [[The Viklund revialist movement|Viklund movement]]. </P> <P align="justify"> The members of the <i>Čuorvut</i> movement went into a state of trance that resembled the motions ([[The Laestadian "movements"|lihkadusat]]) of the Laestadians. In this state they went round sternly preaching the message of repentance. The ecstatic elements of the movement were stronger than in the later Laestadian movement. They included swooning, convulsions and visions like those seen in the trances of Saami witches. With its ecstatic nature, the <i>Čuorvut</i> movement probably incorporated some elements of Saami [[Shamanism|shamanism]], which had been strenuously suppressed in the Saami regions of Norway a few decades earlier. It can also be interpreted as an expression of awakening Saami ethnic resistance. The <i>Čuorvut</i> preachers of repentance, who were Saami laymen, through their religious exhortations sometimes ranged themselves against the clergy and thus opposed the whole dominant power culture on its own terms.</P> Otsikko 102