]> 2024-06-13T11:54:01+00:00 Eagles 0 0863 englanti 2014-08-08T07:45:28Z 2456877.8232407 Eagles <P align="justify"> Eagles are large diurnal birds of prey. The golden eagle (<i>Aquila chrysaetos</i>) nests in remote areas of Lapland. It hunts hares and grouse and also feeds off carrion. The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) nests beside large lakes and reservoirs and feeds off fish, water birds and, in winter, carrion. The older golden and white-tailed eagles are resident throughout the year, but the younger birds migrate for the winter. There are currently at least 250 pairs of golden eagles nesting in Finland and over 100 pairs of white-tailed eagles.</p><P> [[Fauna|Fauna]] <BR><BR> [[Beasts|Predators]]</p> Otsikko 102