]> 2024-06-13T08:17:06+00:00 Akkala Saami language 0 0110 englanti 2014-12-22T12:41:16Z 2457014.0286574 Akkala Saami language <P align="justify"> Akkala Saami is spoken by very few native speakers in Babinsk area in the Kola Peninsula in Russia. The traditional dwelling places of Akkala saamis have been the former villages Babino and Yokostrov by the lake [[Imandra|Imandra]] near the coast of the White Sea north of Kandalaksha. The neighbouring languages are [[Skolt Saami language|Skolt Saami]] in the north and in the west, [[Kildin Saami language|Kildin Saami]] in the east and Carelian in the south. Besides Russian also Carelian has had a significant influence on Akkala Saami. </P> <P align="justify">Akkala Saami has earlier been regarded as a subdialect of [[Kildin Saami language|Kildin Saami]] but there are in fact more features that it shares with Skolt Saami than with Kildin. Today it is regarded as one of the 10 individual Saami languages. Akkala Saami distinguishes from Skolt Saami in one central point of historical phonology: The easternmost Saami languages, including Akkala Saami, have preserved nasal consonants (<i>m, n, nj, ŋ</i>) in clusters with a stop (<i>p, t, k</i>) or affricate (<i>c, č</i>) while all of the [[Western Saami languages|western Saami]] languages in addition to [[Inari Saami language|Inari]] and [[Skolt Saami language|Skolt Saami]] have undergone a phenomenon called denasalization: in nasal+stop/affricate clusters the nasal has disappeared leaving its voiced character to the stop (> <i>b, d, g</i>) or affricate (> ?? <i>z, ž, z, ž</i>). Cf. Akkala <i>låˊndd</i> 'bird' ~ Skolt <i>låˊdd</i> id., Akkala <i>kueˊndde</i> 'to bear' ~ Skolt <i>kueˊddeed</i> id., Akkala <i>soaˊmbb</i> 'stick' ~ Skolt <i>suäˊbb</i> id. </P> <BR> [[Modern Saami languages|Other Saami languages]] <BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Languages and naming|Table of contents: Languages and naming]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102