]> 2024-06-13T06:41:27+00:00 Chronology 0 1431 englanti 2014-12-30T09:58:34Z 2457021.9156713 Chronology <P align="justify"> The science of arranging events and phenomena in time. It is also used of the actual order itself and of its representation. Chronology is an indispensable tool for [[Archaeology|archaeology]] and for [[History|history]], but it presupposes [[Dating|dating]]. In a chronology, the archaeological material is divided into chronological classes called periods. The names of the periods given below have been, and still are, used in the archaeology and history of northern and eastern [[Fennoscandia|Fennoscandia]]. The chronological limits of the periods are based on radiocarbon datings calibrated to calendar years. Frequently the characteristics of the periods appear at different times in different parts of northern and eastern Fennoscandia. The dates divided by slashes indicate the limits of the total fluctuation. There is also a certain amount of overlap in the dates of the periods. This encyclopaedia has adopted this procedure because the datings are to some extent inexact and the definitions partly uncertain. See also: [[Prehistoric Age|Prehistoric Age]] (- A.D. 1350)<BR><BR> Old Stone Age ([[Palaeolithic|Paleolithic]]) (- 9500 B.C.)<BR><BR> Middle stone Age ([[Mesolithic|Mesolithic]]), [[Younger Stone Age|Early Stone Age]] (9500/6500 - 5300/4000 B.C.)<BR><BR> New Stone Age (Neolithic) (5300/4000 - 1800 B.C.)<BR><BR> [[Early Metal Age|Early Metal Age]] (1900 B.C. - A.D. 300)<BR><BR> [[Bronze Age|Bronze Age]] (Epineolithic) (1900 - 650 B.C.)<BR><BR> Iron Age (700 B.C. - A.D. 1350) <BR><BR> [[Early Iron Age|Early Iron Age]], Ceramic Iron Age, Early Metal Age (700 B.C. - A.D. 300)<BR><BR> Iron Age, Later Metal Age (A.D. 250 - 1350)<BR><BR> [[Middle Iron Age|Middle Iron Age]] (A.D. 250 - 800)<BR><BR> Late Iron Age (A.D. 750 - 1350)<BR><BR> [[Historical age|Historic Age]] (A.D. 1300 -)<BR><BR> [[Middle Ages|Middle Ages]] (A.D. 1300 - 1600)<BR><BR> [[Modern Age|Modern Age]] (A.D. 1500 -)<BR><BR> [[Winter Village Age|Winter Village Age]] (A.D. 1500 - 1800)<BR><BR> [[Winter Cabin Age|Winter Dwelling Age]] A.D. 1750 - [1950])<BR><BR> Present</P><BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Archaeology| Table of contents: Archaeology]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102