]> 2024-06-13T11:57:39+00:00 Mustelidae 0 0859 englanti 2014-07-17T15:19:06Z 2456856.1382639 Mustelidae <P align="justify"> Mustelids are small or medium-sized, slim-bodied and short limbed predatory animals. Owing to their framework, they are extremely agile and can follow they prey into confined spaces. The males are usually larger than the females. Mustelids mark their territory with secretions from their scent glands, and some mustelids emit a noisome-smelling secretion for defence purposes. They move in bounds, thus leaving a double set of paw marks in the snow. Mustelids include the stoat or ermine (<i>Mustela erminea</i>), and the weasel (<i>Mustela nivalis</i>) , which change their summer brown fur to a white coat in winter. The latter is the smallest predator in the world. Those mustelids that live beside water include the mink (<i>Mustela vison</i>), originally from North America and the otter (<i>Lutra lutra</i>), which is an expert fisher. In the forests one can find the pine marten (<i>Martes martes</i>) and the [[Wolverine|wolverine]] or glutton (Gulo gulo), the largest of the mustelids in Lapland.</p><P> [[Beasts|Predators]] </p> Otsikko 102