]> 2024-06-13T11:54:49+00:00 Fell 0 0823 englanti 2014-07-10T12:52:13Z 2456849.0362616 Fell <P align="justify"> The fell, a mountainous formation often with a curved summit rising above the tree line, is one of the major features in the natural environment of the Saami. The North Saami name for it is duottar, which means not only an individual piece of high ground but also a whole area of fells. The word has corresponding forms in most of the Saami languages, although counterparts appear to be missing in Ume and Ter Saami.</p><P align="justify"> The word duottar is of the same origin as the Finnish tanner field, ground and its derivative tannertaa to stamp, trample . Related words are also to be found in the Karelian, Ludic and Veps languages and in dialects of Estonian. It has been suggested that the original Early Proto-Finnic word might be related to a number of words in Samoyedic languages meaning to tramp or to travel.</p><P align="justify"> The word has been borrowed from Saami into Finnish, where it has the form tunturi, and into Russian, where the word tundra means a treeless area of vegetation north of the forest line. Through Russian this originally Saami word has passed into a wide number of other languages (e.g. Finnish, Swedish and English tundra and German Tundra).</p> Otsikko 102