]> 2024-06-13T08:00:32+00:00 Education:higher 0 0215 englanti 2021-12-14T08:58:10Z 2459562.8737269 Education:higher <P align="justify"> Teacher training and other forms of higher education for the Saami are provided in several universities and in the Saami University College (Sámi Allaskuvla) in Kautokeino in Norway, a state-administered institution which was founded in 1989 mainly to train Saami-speaking school and pre-school teachers. In a reform of higher education in Norway in 1995, it assumed the main responsibility for Saami higher education. The students come from all the four countries in which the Saami live, but most of them are from Norway and Finland. Their training qualifies them to work particularly among the Saami, but it also gives them a general official qualification as a teacher in Finland, Norway and Sweden. It is also possible to take degrees in the Saami language in the Nordic Saami Institute in Kautokeino, and since 2000 it has been possible to study journalism, which has become the most popular degree course after languages. Every year various courses connected with the Saami languages and culture are held in the Institute. The number of students has risen from an original 100 to a couple of hundred. During its first ten years, the Institute has graduated 120 school and pre-school teachers. Before it was founded, teacher training for the Saami had been provided since the early 1970s at the Finnmark University College in Alta, Norway. This produced an increase in the number of Saami-speaking teachers, but there was dissatisfaction with the curriculum because it did not focus on teaching the Saami language and culture. The [[Saamelaisinstituutti|Nordic Saami Institute]] (Sámi Instituhtta) was founded in Kautokeino before the University College there.</P> <P align="justify"> It is possible to take a master's degree in the Saami language in Finland at the University of Oulu, in Norway at the University of Tromsø and in Sweden at the University of Umeå, and there are courses in the Saami language and culture at several other universities: in Finland at the University of Helsinki and the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, in Norway at the University Colleges of Nord-Trøndelag and Nesna, and in Sweden at the University of Uppsala. In the Fenno-Ugric Department of the University of Helsinki a student can specialize in the Saami language and culture. Multidisciplinary courses ([[Saami Studies|Saami studies]]) have been established at several universities including those of Tromsø, Umeå and Helsinki. In a number of universities there are also special in-take quotas for Saami students. A score of Saami students have taken doctoral degrees, and two doctoral dissertations have been published in Saami languages: the first (Sámeeatnama jienat. Sápmelaš nissona bálggis girječállin) on women's literature by Vuokko Hirvonen in 1999, and the second (II das šat murrii iige báktái. Davvisámegiela illatiiva geavaheapmi), a linguistic study dealing with the illative case in North Saami, by Nils-Øivind in 2001.<BR><BR> Bibliography:<BR> Haetta, O. M. 1994. Samenen. Historie - kultur - samfunn. Gröndahl og Dreyers Forlag AS. </P> Otsikko 102