]> 2024-06-13T12:00:23+00:00 Trout 0 0876 englanti 2021-11-16T14:01:00Z 2459535.0840278 Trout <P align="justify"> The trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i>) is a salmonoid fish, but smaller than the salmon, and it is found in cold, oxygen-rich waters. There are three ecological species: the sea-migrating trout (1-10 kg), the lake-dwelling trout (1-7kg) and the brook-dwelling trout (0.2-1.5 kg). Trout spawn in the gravel beds of streams and hatch the following spring. The fry and grilse feed off zooplankton, insects and bottom-dwelling animals and the adult trout off other fish.<BR><BR> [[Fish|Fish]]</P> Otsikko 102