]> 2024-06-13T07:33:50+00:00 Poison traps 0 07130 englanti 2014-12-30T16:53:27Z 2457022.2037847 Poison traps <P align= justify > Poison traps is an ancient trapping method. Traditionally the poison was obtained from special moss but later bitter-tasting nitrate strychnine was purchased for the purpose. The bait was prepared by making small snowballs into which sticks were inserted. The snowballs were then dipped in molten stearine or some other fat and allowed to freeze. This process was repeated three times. three times. Then the snowballs were melted to leave hollow capsules for the poison. The poison was ground fine in a windless location so the grinder himself would not breath it in. The ground poison was poured into the capsules, which were sealed with wax. Rotten bits of meat and fish and musk were boiled up to make a foul-smelling paste that attracted foxes. The paste was moulded into globules which were strewn along the trail so that the fox would grow accustomed to eating them. A poison capsule was inserted into one of these globules, and when the fox bit it, it breathed in the poison, which caused it to drop dead after a few paces.</P><BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Means of livelyhood and transport|Table of contents: Means of livelyhood and transport]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102