]> 2024-06-13T11:55:49+00:00 Hawks 0 0856 englanti 2014-08-08T07:08:31Z 2456877.797581 Hawks <P align="justify"> Hawks are small or medium-sized diurnal birds of prey. They hunt small mammals and insects. They are expert flyers. The species found in Lapland include the rough-legged buzzard (<i>Buteo lagopus</i>), which hunts voles and lemmings, the hen harrier (<i>Circus cyaneus</i>), the peregrine falcon (<i>Falco peregrinus</i>), a which is an expert flyer, and the merlin (Falco columbarius), which hunts small birds.</p><P>[[Beasts|Predators]]</p> Otsikko 102