]> 2024-06-13T09:55:45+00:00 Force 0 10136 englanti 2014-08-12T07:34:37Z 2456881.815706 Force <P align="justify"> Väki is special Finnish technical term somewhat corresponding to the internationally used 'mana' (which is originally a Polynesian word). Väki/mana is used generally used by anthropologists in studies of folk religion. In connection to Saami folk beliefs, väki has two meanings. In its wider sense väki refers to all the numinous force of the other world ([[The sacred|Sacred]]) which according to popular belief is attached to many objects and phenomena that are out of the ordinary and that arouse powerful associations. Such things include the bear ([[The bear worship and ritual|Bear cult]]), snakes, some metals such as iron, thunder and very typically everything connected with [[The death and the dead ones|death and the dead]] (the remains of a dead person, the water used to wash a cadaver, and so on) or for example anything that was associated with them through the colour black or night or darkness (like a bat or a mole). In a narrower sense, it refers particularly to the power attached to death and the dead. With the approach of death, this väki of death gathered around the dying person and took up residence in her or his body. This is connected with the väki of the body in a wider sense of the word väki, which also meant people. This force presented both a threat and an opportunity: it could harm an ordinary person, but seers and other spiritually strong persons (i.e. those who possessed väki) could exploit all kinds of väki for their own ends and channel its force to accomplish a vast range of ends. This diverse nature of väki is illustrated by the fact that it could be employed equally to harm and to cure people. </P> Otsikko 102