]> 2024-06-13T07:50:23+00:00 History of the Langobards 0 1321 englanti 2021-11-24T07:25:44Z 2459542.809537 History of the Langobards <P align="justify"> This work, written by Paulus Diaconus (A.D. c. 720-799) in A.D. c. 787, included the following description of a people he called the <i>Scritobini</i> (i.e. the Saami): "They have snow even in summer, and being in their habits like beasts, the only food they eat is the meat of wild animals, with the furry skins of which they also clothe themselves. Their name comes from a word which in the language of the barbarians means 'jump', for they hunt the wild animals by jumping on pieces of wood carved rather ingeniously into a curved shape resembling a bow. There is in their land an animal that closely resembles an elk, and from its hide, which is shaggy, a garment resembling a tunic and descending as far as the knees is made, and it is worn, I am told, by the above-mentioned Scritobini. In these regions at the time of the summer solstice, there is bright daylight even at night, and the days there are longer than they are elsewhere. On the other hand, during the winter solstice, although it is light in the daytime, the sun cannot be seen, and the days are shorter than anywhere else, and the nights longer." The description concerns the [[Middle Iron Age|Middle Iron Age]] and the Late Iron Age (A.D. 750-800).</P> Otsikko 102