]> 2024-06-13T07:39:41+00:00 Sour fish 0 0769 englanti 2014-07-10T13:06:00Z 2456849.0458333 Sour fish <P align= justify > One method of preserving fish was to sour them. Sour fish were not salted or only lightly so. For lake fish a pit was made: a hole was dug in the ground, and the bottom and sides were lined with planks. The fish were then placed in it. More planks were put over it and stones placed on them to prevent predators from getting at the fish. Rye flour and spruce twigs were also used as souring agents; these were placed between the layers of fish instead of salt. Sour fish kept well for up to two years, but for those who were unused to it, it had an unpleasant smell. Fish preserved in this way is richer in vitamins and nutrients than fish preserved in other ways. </P> Otsikko 102