]> 2024-06-13T10:46:16+00:00 Boazu (Reindeer) 0 0820 englanti 2014-08-06T08:24:21Z 2456875.8502431 Boazu (Reindeer) <P align="justify">Corresponding forms of the word boazu are found in all the Saami languages meaning a (semi)domesticated (i.e. owned, earmarked) animal as distinct from a wild reindeer [[Wild reindeer|goddi]]. Correspondences for the word have been suggested widely throughout the different branches of the Uralic languages, but the most reliable are the words meaning reindeer in Mari and Udmurt. It is uncertain whether the Finnish (and Karelian) word poro reindeer should be included among these correspondences; if so, it would be necessary to assume an irregular sound change *poto > poro. An explanation for the unexpected phonetic form may be that the word was borrowed into Finnish and Karelian from Saami (cf. the Finnish and Karelian vaadin, vaami female reindeer < Saami váža; here, too, the phonetic relationship is unusual albeit in a slightly different way).</p><P align="justify"> Similar words meaning red deer (Cervus elaphus) exist in the Turkic and Tungus languages and in Yukaghir. If the similarity is not a mere coincidence, this may be a very ancient. North Eurasian word of widely dispersed over different language families. (kulkusana)</p> Otsikko 102