]> 2024-06-13T10:29:28+00:00 National Assemblies 0 0555 englanti 2014-08-07T07:18:48Z 2456876.8047222 National Assemblies <P align="justify"> Three Nordic Saami National Assemblies were held between 1917 and 1921. It was a historic day for the Saami movement when Saamis from every continent assembled for the First Nordic Saami Assembly in Trondheim on 6 February 1917. Today 6 February is celebrated as the Saami National day ([[National symbols|Saami symbols]]). In her opening speech Elsa [[Laula-Renberg, Elsa (engl. ver.)|Laula-Renberg]], the mother of the Assembly, stated: Today we are trying for the first time to bind the Saamis of Norway and Sweden together. It is a pleasure to see so many Saamis gathered here, and I hope that our endeavour will be successful. There are many matters that unite us. It has been suggested that reindeer husbandry is an issue that divides us from one another. But I think that even this is something that whips us together. The agenda contained issues concerning reindeer husbandry and education. </P> <BR> Otsikko 102