]> 2024-06-13T09:25:13+00:00 Veažir, the hammer 0 11133 englanti 2021-11-28T12:16:47Z 2459547.0116551 Veažir, the hammer <P align="justify"> <i>Veažir / Veahčir</i> a T or Y-shaped stick made of reindeer bone with which the shaman drum was beaten to foretell and to make a pointer to move on it. <BR><BR> <i>[[Meavrresgárri, the shaman drum|meavrresgárri, the shaman drum]].<BR><BR> [[Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.| Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.]]<BR><BR> Otsikko 102