Butter boxes and chests

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Gunvor Guttorm

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Butter boxes and chests

Butter boxes and chests are made from bent branches and thin layers of birch. In order to make a giisá/chest one has better to use birch which has grown fast. Beassegiisá, a bent chest made of birch, is a giisá that reindeer herders, among others, used for transporting things on the back of the domesticated, castrated reindeer buck.The chest has no lid and the bottom is made from bands of twisted birch branches. The name of lohkkegiisá, the "lid chest" tells of its appearance. This giisá is also especially designed for the migrating reindeer herder. It is a treasure chest, for hiding valuables and jewellery for the costume. Gihligiisá is a giisá that the suitor has to provide when he is going to propose to his fiancée. He puts the gihlii, or the engagement gifts he wants to give his bride to be, into this chest.

The wooden parts of old chests are fastened with iron straps and iron hinges. It was common to decorate the chests in different colours and with different patterns depending on the area the owner of the chest came from. Some of today's chest makers use wood from burls for making lid and the frame of their chests and antler for the hinges and the straps. Antler is used to make the chest more exclusive and to increase its value. Ellen Kitok Andersson from Jokkmokk in the Swedish side of Sápmi has also made a chest of fine birch roots.

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A chest of birch roots, made by Ellen Kitok Andersson Jåhkåmåhkke/Dálvvadis (Jokkmokk).

A painted chest from Gárasavvon (Karesuando) district.

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Gunvor Guttorm

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