North Saami language

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Katso englanninkielistä välilehteä North Saami language.


Buorre beaivi

Mun lean. Sofe-Ánne Irja. Mun lean davvisápmelaš. Mu eatnigiella lea davvisámegiella. Lean eret Ohcejogas, Gáregasnjárggas. Gáregasnjárga lea uhca giláš Suoma ja Norgga rájás. Doppe ásset sápmelaččat. Rájá nuppe bealde Norggas lea beakkán sámegilli Kárášjohka. Ohcejoga gielddas ásset sullii 1000 sápmelačča. Ohcejogas leat sámeskuvllat ja maid sámelogahat. Sámit doppe barget boazodoaluin ja guolástusain, muhto maiddái turismain. Deatnu lea rádjajohka ja lea maid stuorra luossajohka.

Dál mun ásan Helssegis, gos mun barggan sámeoahpaheaddjin Helssega universitehtas. Ovdalgo bohten Helssegii mun ledjen sámelogahaga rektorin Ohcejogas. Ohcejoga sámelogahat lea unna logahagaš sullii 30 oahppi oktiibuot.

Mu bearraša ruoktogiella lea dál suomagiella, muhto mun hálan iežan mánáiguin sámegiela. Go mii mannat davás Sápmái, mu riegádanbáikái, de mii hállat diepusge sámegiela.

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Irja Seurujärvi-Kari

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Buorre beaivi

Mun lean. Sofe-Ánne Irja. Mun lean davvisápmelaš. Mu eatnigiella lea davvisámegiella. Lean eret Ohcejogas, Gáregasnjárggas. Gáregasnjárga lea uhca giláš Suoma ja Norgga rájás. Doppe ásset sápmelaččat. Rájá nuppe bealde Norggas lea beakkán sámegilli Kárášjohka. Ohcejoga gielddas ásset sullii 1000 sápmelačča. Ohcejogas leat sámeskuvllat ja maid sámelogahat. Sámit doppe barget boazodoaluin ja guolástusain, muhto maiddái turismain. Deatnu lea rádjajohka ja lea maid stuorra luossajohka.

Dál mun ásan Helssegis, gos mun barggan sámeoahpaheaddjin Helssega universitehtas. Ovdalgo bohten Helssegii mun ledjen sámelogahaga rektorin Ohcejogas. Ohcejoga sámelogahat lea unna logahagaš sullii 30 oahppi oktiibuot.

Mu bearraša ruoktogiella lea dál suomagiella, muhto mun hálan iežan mánáiguin sámegiela. Go mii mannat davás Sápmái, mu riegádanbáikái, de mii hállat diepusge sámegiela.

Irja Seurujärvi-Kari

Muokkaa tätä sivua

Artihkal sámegillii

North Saami language

North Saami is, on the basis of native speakers, the biggest Saami language. Saami languages are members of the Uralic (Finno-Ugric) language family. Typical to the most of the Saami languages are the following linguistic features:

  • the languages are suffixing (basicly agglutinative) languages (use endings to mark grammatical relations) but to a high degree also fusional due to the phonetic and morphophonetic development in Proto-Saami
  • they have no grammatical gender
  • there are no definite or indefinite articles
  • in grammatical categories related to persons (personal pronouns, personal endings in verbs, possessive suffixes in nouns) there are three numbers: singular, dual and plural
  • negation in verbs is expressed with the help of a negative auxiliary and connegative form of the main verb

North Saami has appr. 30 000 native speakers. The neighbouring Saami languages are Lule Saami in the west and Inari and Skolt Saami in the east, in the municipality of Inari, where all these three Saami languages are spoken. North Saami can be divided to several dialects. The main dialects are the Finnmark Saami (divided further into eastern and western subdialects), Sea Saami (on the Northern coast of Norway) and Torne Saami. The dialects differ to a great degree especially in their phonetic structure.

Grammatical relations in nouns are expressed by case endings (case forms). There are two numeri in the absolute declension for nouns: singular and plural. North Saami uses the following case forms (guolli 'fish'):

  Sg Pl  
nominative guolli guolit the case of the Subject
gen.-acc. guoli guliid the case of the Object or the owner
Illative guollái guliide answers the question »to what, where to»
Locative guolis guliin answers the question »where, from where»
comitative guliin guliiguin answers the question »with what»
Abessive guoli haga gulii haga answers the question »without what»
Essive guollin   expresses the position »as a fish»

The possessive suffixes are used sporadically. These suffixes make a distinction between singular, dual and plural, i.e. one, two vs. more possessors (owners) but no distinction between the number of the possessed, e.g. (nominative):

The verbs have four moods: Indicative (declarative function), imperative (Mana! 'go!', mannot 'let's go'), potential (manažan 'I may go') and conditional (manašin 'I would go; (if) I went'). The actor is expressed by personal endings, including separate endings for three persons (1st, 2nd and 3rd) in three numbers (singular, dual and plural). In the following table the verbal forms are given together with the corresponding personal pronouns, which have the same three persons in the same three numbers.

mun manan 'I go'
don manat 'you (1 person) go'
son manná 'he/she goes'
moai manne 'we (2) go'
doai mannabeahtti 'you (2) go'
soai mannaba 'they (2) go'
mii mannat 'we (several) go'
dii mannabehtet 'you (several) go'
sii mannet 'they (several) go'

The verbs are inflected also in a simple past tense (mun mannen 'I went' don mannet 'you (1) went' etc.) as well as perfect (xxxx) and pluperfect (xxxx).

North Saami shares several hundreds of old inherited (Finno-Ugric) words with other Saami languages and some 600 words with the other Saami and Finnic languages. There are several layers of old loan words shared with the other Saami languages and very little loan words specific to only North Saami: the most of the narrow spaced loans are shared with Inari and / or Lule Saami. Most of them are relatively late borrowings from Finnish. (linkkejä lainasana-artikkeleihin)

Voice sample:

Buorre beaivi

Mun lean. Sofe-Ánne Irja. Mun lean davvisápmelaš. Mu eatnigiella lea davvisámegiella. Lean eret Ohcejogas, Gáregasnjárggas. Gáregasnjárga lea uhca giláš Suoma ja Norgga rájás. Doppe ásset sápmelaččat. Rájá nuppe bealde Norggas lea beakkán sámegilli Kárášjohka. Ohcejoga gielddas ásset sullii 1000 sápmelačča. Ohcejogas leat sámeskuvllat ja maid sámelogahat. Sámit doppe barget boazodoaluin ja guolástusain, muhto maiddái turismain. Deatnu lea rádjajohka ja lea maid stuorra luossajohka.

Dál mun ásan Helssegis, gos mun barggan sámeoahpaheaddjin Helssega universitehtas. Ovdalgo bohten Helssegii mun ledjen sámelogahaga rektorin Ohcejogas. Ohcejoga sámelogahat lea unna logahagaš sullii 30 oahppi oktiibuot.

Mu bearraša ruoktogiella lea dál suomagiella, muhto mun hálan iežan mánáiguin sámegiela. Go mii mannat davás Sápmái, mu riegádanbáikái, de mii hállat diepusge sámegiela.

Other Saami languages

Table of contents: Languages and naming

Ulla-Maija Kulonen

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