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Nulpporeki on poromiesten perinteinen reki, joka ei periydy vanhoista rekimalleista. Se tunnettiin 1800-luvulla saamelaisten ajoneuvona. Se rakennettiin kolmella kaplasparilla, jotka upotettiin jalaksen läpi. Erotuksena uudempaan malliin oli keula, joka taivutettiin lavan tasalle. Kausta eli laitapuu, joka yhdisti kaplaat, ylsi jalaksen keulaan saakka. Kaplaat yhdistettiin taivutetulla pajulla ja niiden päälle kiinnitettiin lavaksi muutamia kuorittuja koivukeppejä. Poro veti nulpporekeä joko vuotturaipasta tai jukkoaisoilla, jotka kiinnitettiin etukaplaisiin.

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Sisällysluettelo: Elinkeinot ja liikkuminen

Anna Idström

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Nulposleigh is traditional reindeer herder's sleigh. It was not descended from ancient models of sleigh. It was used as a vehicle in the nineteenth century by the Saami. It had three pairs of upright stakes (kaplas) sunk into the runners. Unlike the more modern model, the bows of the runners curved up to the level of the platform. The side poles (kausta) which connected the uprights extended as far as the front of the runners. The uprights were joined crosswise by bent pieces of willow, on which debarked lengths of birch were laid as a platform. The sleigh was drawn by a reindeer either from a trace or between shafts attached to the front uprights.

Table of contents: Means of livelyhood and transport

Anna Idström

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